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Trendwatch: The let-to-renters
While let-to-rent isn’t a new concept, it’s becoming a great deal less niche as an alternative owning/living option, says Stacks' David Brooke Smith...
The London Slowdown: Not a correction but a return to normality
London’s prime market needed the steam to be released from it and this slower market will probably be here for some time, says LonRes Chairman William Carrington...
The New House Price Index: A Trojan Horse for Council Tax re-valuation?
A new official property price index - the House Price Index (HPI) - is due to launch next month, with a promise to end at least some of the monthly confusion over real estate value inflation/performance…
Does higher stamp duty really matter for investors in central London?
As we put a bonkers Q1 behind us, Tim Hassell considers the likely long and short term impacts of the latest SDLT hike on the UK's buy-to-let market...
The Bubble Deflates…Slowly: PCL values peaked in 2014 and have already fallen 15%
From talking to agents, looking at valuations over the last two years and then analysing the market evidence, James Wyatt's research house Parthenia figures that prices in prime central London have already…
Picky planning is ‘contributing to a completely unfair and immoral housing shortfall’
"Change isn't happening", says Stirling Ackroyd's Andrew Bridges as new figures show that the number of new homes granted planning permission in London has plummeted by 64% in the last year, with…
Brexit worries driving the downturn? Don’t make me laugh…
For the government to blame the increase in unemployment on Brexit worries is so fatuous as to be laughable, says Trevor Abrahmsohn...
How the London Marathon maps the changing face of the capital
The route of this weekend's race takes in some of the capital's biggest property stories, says buying agent James Watts...
Seed Capital: Assessing the real value of landscape design
How much can great landscaping add in terms of actual value? Between 7.5% and 13% if executed correctly, says garden design guru Barry Burrows...
These days we demand a lot from our home;
In Pictures: New developments with royal connections
It's Her Majesty's big day, but this year, instead of sending an amusing corgi-based card, we've decided to take a look at some of the capital's best new schemes with royal connections.
Escape to the Country: The Doer Upper retreats to Somerset
Priced out and fed up of London's "out of kilter" property scene, our resident doer upper Alan Page has retreated to Somerset for his development and renovation fix...
I love doing up properties.
How to find, appoint and work with an Interior Designer
The British Institute of Interior Design (BIID) has brought out a pretty useful guide for clients looking to engage the services of an interiors expert.