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Goodbye “hotel chic” and other trends for 2014
There'll probably be fewer foreign buyers, dull design schemes and 60s mansards this year, says James Bailey...
Building Relationships: The Buying Agent & The Developer
When it comes to getting clients into the best properties before anyone else, top developers and buying agents can work in perfect harmony, says Camilla Dell...
Interior Monologue: Tales from the design front line
Alec Watt experiences the international appetite for London property first-hand and attends possibly the best client meeting in the world...
Other Side of the Tax: Lessons from Hong Kong
Taxing the rich can have a devastating effect on the property market; just look at what's happening in Hong Kong, says our resident doer upper Alan Page.
Town or Country: Downturn has created two distinct markets
"The London influence on the rest of the UK remains weak," says Jackson-Stops & Staff, which has led to two very distinct markets emerging from the economic woes of the last five years.
Letter from the Home Counties
Reporting back from the salubrious Surrey & Berkshire suburbs, Julian Amos reflects on last year's game of two halves and why this year's buyers need to take advice from those in the know...
All I Want For Christmas…is a Grade I-listed mansion in Dorset
It might be a bit late - even for Santa - to organise this year, but which properties would the professionals like to wake up and find the keys to on Wednesday morning?
Prophet & Loss: The difficult business of property market forecasting
Why did so many commentators and analysts get it wrong this year? Perhaps we still don't fully understand the strength of the forces behind the price growth we've been witnessing, says Camilla Dell...
Decision-Faking: Make me an offer (but only if you mean it)
Under Offer shouldn't mean Under Consideration, says our (livid) resident doer-upper Alan Page.
So far one of our properties has gone "under offer" three times and still there's no sale.
Autumn Statement: The property industry reacts
It hasn't taken long for the prime property industry to wade in with opinions on the Autumn Statement. Here be some lively thoughts on capital gains tax and more...
Capital Gains Tax: Beware the “top down” recession, George
In case you were at lunch or something, the much-predicted imposition of Capital Gains Tax on foreign individuals buying in the UK has just been announced by the Chancellor in his latest Autumn Statement.
The five “worst” property investment markets of 2013
Bringing a whole new meaning to the phrase "kick 'em when they're down", Greece has been named "Worst Property Market of 2013".