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Lansdowne Crescent, Notting Hill £10.5m

"This is the pre-election Budget the Chancellor always hoped to be able to deliver," says Deloitte, but "there will be very limited ability to legislate for anything announced"...

It’s the last day and I see groups of men standing on street corners with suitcases, quietly waiting for their taxis to the airport.

Forced to wake up at the ungodly hour of 8am to attend a breakfast I wonder what sort of sadist thinks that 9am on the Thursday of MIPIM is an acceptable start time. I tweet this.

LinkedIn has been a lifesaver in this maelstrom of real estate Blind Date, says Nicky Richmond... Day two and I'm making notes.

Under pressure to cool a soaring housing market, the Australian government's proposed clampdown on foreign property buyers has raised a few eyebrows around the world.

Nicky Richmond reports back from her nineteenth MIPIM, where things seem very different to how they were in 1996... Just a single glance at the overstuffed diary makes me feel a little anxious.

Geoffrey Todd and Jenny Wilson-Smith bring us up to speed on the all-new CGT rules, due to come into effect in but a few weeks' time...

Penthouse, 10 Soho Square  £5.95m The latest project from Oakmayne Bespoke (of Cornwall Terrace fame) could well be a game-changer for this part of town.

A top London buying agent has been explaining how a professional decides whether or not to stick an offer in.

"No one is suggesting that there are not corrupt people around the world," says London Central Portfolio's Naomi Heaton, but that doesn't mean that everyone who owns a London property through an offshore company…

For ultra high net worth buyers, a property’s heritage, design, finish and branding will become as important as a golden postcode, says Joe Burns...