Format: News
Bloomsbury office-to-resi project up for £6.5m
Grade II listed Georgian gem on John Street retains its mews house and could make for a 'splendid' single residence
The proportion of UK homes let by an overseas landlord has more than halved since 2010
Overseas landlords have exited the UK in their droves, says Hamptons International, as a harsher tax regime and additional costs lessen the appeal for many...
Rightmove reports the biggest two-month drop in asking prices since 2012
The average asking price of a new property coming to market is 3.2% lower than it was two months ago
UK house prices are flatlining – LSL & Acadata
Annual change in house price growth now at its lowest level for seven years; market 'going nowhere fast'
£1.6bn Battersea Power Station mega-deal sealed
Record-breaking takeover by two Malaysian investors agreed after nearly a year
P2P property lender Blend Network secures £10m backing
Big-name investors pile into fledgling operation with a focus on regional hotspots
Ranked: The 50 most expensive neighbourhoods in New York City
TriBeCa holds onto the top spot in the Big Apple, despite an 18% fall in the average sale price
Pardey-designed farmhouse gets the green light in Somerset
JPA's project aims to provide "a contemporary take on the local farm settlements"
Buyer bags a £6m bargain in St John’s Wood
Unmod mansion on Queens Grove sells for £3m below its 2017 asking, at £1,900 psf
Deal sealed on £22.5m Hyde Park Gate mansion
'Unusually wide' townhouse picked up just a few weeks after hitting the market
Green light for ‘unique’ custom build neighbourhood in Essex
Collaboration between developer Village Makers and local farmer Pete Thompson offers buyers the chance to build their own eco-homes in the midst of fruit orchards
Knight Frank boosts SW rural team
Former buying agent Edward Clarkson is now Head of South West Rural Property Sales at Knight Frank