
Informed, opinionated & entertaining.

PrimeResi’s contributors include some of the most respected & successful operators in today’s luxury property sector.

Miles Gibson,

Executive Director, CBRE

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Richard Donnell,

Executive Director - Research, Zoopla

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Saskia Arthur,

Residential Property Partner, Boodle Hatfield

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Stuart McLauchlan,
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Lee Layton,

Associate Director of Research, Cushman & Wakefield

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Alexander Millett,
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Fran Moynihan,
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Jack Osmond,

Senior Property Search Advisor, AWS Prime

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Kathrine Eddon,

Head of Public Procurement, Womble Bond Dickinson

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Nicholas Holt,

Head of Research & Consultancy, Asia Pacific, Knight Frank

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Roger Burrows,

Professor of Cities, Newcastle University

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Simon Garcia,
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