
Informed, opinionated & entertaining.

PrimeResi’s contributors include some of the most respected & successful operators in today’s luxury property sector.

Kyle Phillips,

Associate at HKOne, Howard Kennedy LLP

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Matt Spencer,
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Sam Butler,

Senior Partner, Butler Sherborn

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Sophia Wade,

Managing Director at Inspired Spaces,

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Walter Menteth,
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Andy Inch,

Senior Lecturer in Urban Studies and Planning, University of Sheffield

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Carrie Law,

CEO and Director, Juwai

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David Harber,

Sculptor, Savills

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Henrik Schoenefeldt,

Senior Lecturer, University of Kent

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Jawad El Hassani Sbai,

CEO, Morocco, Chestertons

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Julie Howard,

Senior Associate, Boodle Hatfield

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Louise Ridings,

Regional Director, Stacks Property Search

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