
Informed, opinionated & entertaining.

PrimeResi’s contributors include some of the most respected & successful operators in today’s luxury property sector.

Ronen Palan,

Professor of International Politics, City, University of London

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Linda Jeffcoat,

Regional Director, Stacks Property Search

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Alexander Tziamalis,

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Economics and Consultant, Sheffield Hallam University; contributor, PrimeResi

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Bruce Burkitt,

Managing Director, Property Experts

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Nicola Gooch,

Planning Partner, Irwin Mitchell

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Charles Hesse,

Land & Planning Director, Aston Mead

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Hugh Obbard,

Director, Obbard

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Nick Cunningham,

Regional Director, Stacks Property Search

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Simon Leadbetter,

Global CEO, Fine & Country

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Andrew Paulson,
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Jamie Freeman,

Director, Haringtons

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Laura Conduit,

Partner, Farrer & Co

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