Company Tag: Halifax

Prices in London are now showing the first positive annual growth since the beginning of 2023.

More positive news for the market as Halifax records highest annual rate of growth since January last year.

Latest Halifax reading provides more positive news, but the recent growth looks to be driven by a 'shortage of properties on the market, rather than the strength of buyer demand'.

Halifax's March data suggest a return to 'relative stability in the housing market'.

The latest Halifax index is 'still implausibly strong', say analysts

Per m2 price growth has stalled in London for the first time in eight years, says Halifax

Halifax records annual inflation of 13% in the horsey Gloucestershire spa town, higher than any other UK town or city - and five times the national average...

The grand total value of privately owned homes has risen by 48% since 2007; London and the South East accounts for more than half of the £1.94 trillion increase.

As another new year looms large, the residential industry’s leading pundits and analysts are unanimous about one thing: the property market is fragmenting, with micro-markets emerging in various locations a…

Salcombe has topped a rundown of the UK's dearest seaside towns for the second year on the bounce.

Halifax is predicting that house prices across the country will rise by between 3% and 5% in 2015, but London's prime market is likely to be hit by "global economic worries"

The sailing and Sloane mecca of Salcombe in South Devon has topped a rundown of Britain's most expensive seaside towns, with an average house price of £615,344.