
American news website Insider has profiled 19 mansions on The Bishops Avenue, in a series of salacious articles on North London's “Billionaires’ Row”.

RBKC architect Philip Challinor reports successful result after coating a mansion flat on Park Walk with a colourless and odourless solution of titanium dioxide

London, New York, Tokyo and Paris are the most “comprehensively attractive” and "magnetic" cities in the world, according to 2019's Global Power City Index

Coutts bank's measure of luxury price inflation has risen by 4.7% a year since 2016; twice the rate of the mainstream Consumer Prices Index

As the Queen's official residence undergoes a £369m refurbishment, a firm has imagined how the iconic White Drawing Room could respond to five different interior styles, ranging from Memphis Revival to…

New research breaks down the average time it takes for a residential property deal to reach key financial and legal milestones

The public sees Brexit and healthcare as the most important issues in the run-up to December's General Election.

Ten one-off Christmas wreaths, created by some of the biggest names in British interior design, are being raffled off to support Karen Howes' Place2Be charity carol concert

A new report has identified the UK's key enclaves for high net worth individuals, ranking the country's top 20 major cities and the top 20 small towns/villages by private wealth and multi-millionaire population…

Nearly 18 months after fire ripped through Grenfell Tower in West London, Sir Martin Moore-Bick has published his Phase One report on the public inquiry into the disaster.

London agencies get set to fight it out for the 2020 CPR Cup, which was won this year by Savills in an event that raised £5,500 for Canine Partners

New septic tank regulations require all homes not connected to a mains sewage network to review, upgrade or replace their non-mains system by the 1st January 2020;