Hotspots & Slow Burners: On the makings of a successful, sustainable district
Don't overlook established enclaves in search of exciting regeneration opportunities, says Alexander Lewis - these are places where people love to live, which is key to the long term performance of any…
Supply levels subside in PCL lettings market as landlords look to sell up
'More landlords sense the sales market is bottoming out in terms of pricing'
How does PCL’s recent volatility compare to previous ‘adjustments’?
Prices fell by 7.9% between the last peak in August 2015 and February 2017, but let's not forget the 24% decline recorded between 2008 and 2009, and the 21% correction in the early 90s...
Grand Registry: Surveying January’s biggest registered deals
Chunky transactions recorded in Chelsea, Highgate and Holland Park...
Market Snapshot: Hyde Park & Bayswater
A closer look at an area of PCL where £5m+ deals have been on the rise...
Dexters teams up with Stirling Ackroyd to sell East London new-builds
Stirling Ackroyd New Homes will operate under the Dexters banner, marketing new developments from Shoreditch and Clerkenwell to Hackney to Peckham
Manchester, Birmingham & Edinburgh tipped for 20-30% price surge
Regional cities have lots of room for growth over the next four years, says Hometrack, while questions surround the "sustainability" of pricing in the capital...
£1m+ sales volumes ‘surprisingly robust’
A million-pound-plus home was sold every 27 minutes across the UK last year, reports Savills
The Chiltern Firehouse Effect? It’s been more of a slow burn in Marylebone…
Andre Balazs' A-list establishment is only part of the reason why Marylebone is now outperforming all other areas of Prime Central London, notes Knight Frank...
Store Credit: How Harrods influences the Knightsbridge property market
Analysis looks into the 'Harrods Effect', finding that stable pricing and significant premiums surround the famous department store...
Deal numbers hold steady in January
Transaction volumes were 0.1% lower in January compared to the same month last year
The bottom of the prime resi market in London may have passed six months ago
'They don’t ring a bell when sentiments change from a Bear to Bull market, but if they did, the sound would be deafening!'