
Canadian city with a runaway property market rethinks 15% additional tax

Plans to offer financial incentives to encourage people to downsize in retirement are 'politically toxic' and 'insufficient in the face of the scale of the problem', argues Stacks' chief

Take rockets to £178m but is the tax fulfilling its original purpose?

Mayor says 'nothing should be ruled out when it comes to giving London a stronger voice and the tools it needs to protect jobs, wealth and prosperity'

"This is not a time for the Scottish Government to be proud" - Bell Ingram

Number of levy-liable properties rises despite the additional 3% tax

£15m mansion in Belgravia becomes London's most prestigious squat; what are the legal issues at play?

£200k tax wrangle over PPR

Expected to start by owning and managing 11 units at landmark Mayfair scheme

Delays stoke fears of contentious policy ideas

Weekend works on Campden Hill Gardens land building company with hefty fine

420 major property owners, developers, investors and advisors come up with plan to 'keep London and the UK globally competitive'