Stamp duty theatrics descend into farce
Sajid Javid distances himself from the idea of switching the stamp duty tax burden from buyers to sellers, after commentators accuse the new Chancellor of 'killing the property market'
Mayor Khan shapes up for a battle with London’s landlords
Joanne Young looks at the potentially serious implications of Sadiq Khan's 'Blueprint' for reforming the London rental market, and explains why the plan won't provide the solution to the capital's housing…
NCA urged to investigate Kensington mansion purchase
RBKC planning approval leads campaign groups to question a 2007 acquisition made by an African autocrat's daughter...
Inspector backs RBKC plans to limit amalgamations and super-sized units
Planning Inspector deems the Royal Borough's Local Plan Partial Review to be generally 'sound', including policies to limit the size of amalgamations and restrict the number of 'very large' units in new-build…
HMRC: 6,000 HNWI have left Britain
Latest government data shows a 13% fall in the number of individuals claiming non-domiciled taxpayer status in the UK, with top advisors citing Corbyn and Brexit as key factors...
Cutting Stamp Duty ‘could boost transactions by 40% and tax revenues by £9.8bn’
According to buying agency Ludgrove's workings, a 36% reduction in Stamp Duty rates across the board would likely lead to 40% additional transactions in England per annum, in turn generating an extra £1.
RICS publishes ‘pioneering’ global property measurement standards
A draft guidance note on "Measurement of Land for Development and Planning Purposes" is now open for consultation
Carrington on Q2: It does seem that the tax rate in the popular Laffer Curve has now been breached
Successive parliaments have fiddled with stamp duty 14 times since 1995, but the right balance is yet to be struck, writes LonRes Chairman William Carrington
‘A changed world’: What effect will leasehold reform have on landlords, leaseholders & tenants?
As the Government moves forward with plans to overhaul the established leasehold system, Property Vision's Charlie Ellingworth & Philip Harvey explore what leasehold reform will mean for landlords, leaseholders…
On Leasehold Reform: A brief history and next steps
Reforming the leasehold system has been moving rapidly up the government’s agenda, and whilst welcomed by the domestic leasehold owners and tenants, the vast range of proposals are causing some concern…
Robert Jenrick replaces James Brokenshire as housing secretary; McVey in as housing minister
37-year-old former lawyer Robert Jenrick takes on the challenge of delivering the government's housing policy, as James Brokenshire makes for the backbenches;
Prime Resi Industry Reactions: Boris Johnson declared as the UK’s new leader
The Conservative Party has elected the controversial Brexit-loving former Mayor of London, Boris, as its new leader; he will take over as Prime Minister from Theresa May on Wednesday