Government promises ‘a digital revolution’ for the property sector
Housing Minister Esther McVey wants to make Britain's planning and property-buying scene more like online banking.
The Trial Reservation Experiment: Getting our houses in order
Glentree chief Trevor Abrahmsohn applauds the Housing Ministry's move to try-out Reservation Agreements in property deals, and puts a price on a "Gentleman's Word"
Javid confirms Budget date
'Housing market put on hold' as Chancellor schedules in 'the first budget after leaving the EU' for 6th November
The Tenant Fees Act: Does it have any teeth?
Barrister Katrina Mather of Hardwicke Chambers explores the realities of the Tenant Fees ban, a "slightly peculiar piece of legislation" that came into force on 1st June
It’s stick or twist time for London’s prime landlords
As high-end supply levels dwindle, those who held onto their cards can look forward to sharing a winning hand, says Penny Mosgrove
Government to scrutinise luxury property deals in US-style crackdown
Similar targeting orders to those in operation in New York and Florida could force agents to hand over the personal details of buyers involved in high-end transactions across RBKC & Westminster
The new Tory administration has finally left the circus and wants to join the housing revolution
At last, concerns over the parlous state of the UK housing market appear to be reaching receptive ears, says Trevor Abrahmsohn
Robert Adam: How can new-build homes be green, beautiful and high quality?
Speaking at a fringe event hosted by the Policy Exchange at this year's Conservative Party Conference, one of the UK's most respected architects flagged up some serious structural issues with the current…
New Government design manual & planning reforms promise a ‘green housing revolution’
Housing Minister reveals an "ambitious revamp of planning rules" and bans gas boilers in new homes, as the Government publishes its first-ever "design manual to promote the building of beautiful new homes"…
Ten characteristics of well-designed places: official guidance
The Government's new housing design manual, aimed at property developers and architects, offers "planning practice guidance for beautiful, enduring and successful places"
Add up to two storeys without planning permission – Jenrick
Bold new measures will 'give families the freedom they need to expand their homes and ensure small developers get a fair chance to succeed', says the housing secretary
LonRes acquires AML consultancy
FCS' range of compliance services will help 'free up agents to concentrate on what they do best', says the B2B trading platform and data provider...