Talking Heads: What property industry leaders fear most from the Autumn Statement 2024
Of the tax and housing proposals floated by the Chancellor ahead of this week's Budget event, which do you think would have the biggest impact on the prime property market and why?
Talking Heads: Property industry leaders’ Autumn Statement wish lists
What announcements would you most like to see in this week's Budget event, that would benefit the UK housing market?
Navigating growth amidst challenges: Raul Cimesa on London’s new homes market
Knight Frank's London new homes chief explains how limited supply, rising costs & strong demand are shaping the landscape in the capital.
Government confirms mandatory consumer code & Ombudsman for housebuilders
The property market 'is over reliant on a speculative model of housebuilding that slows build out and constrains the supply of affordable homes,' conclude ministers.
Hugh Obbard: The ten trends shaping prime London’s property market
The founder of long-standing boutique property firm Obbard provides an overview of the prime London market, highlighting ten key trends as we approach the close of a "pivotal year".
Limited companies ‘now the new normal’ for landlords
70% of new buy-to-let purchases in England & Wales this year were made using a limited company, says Hamptons, as landlords look to lighten their tax burden.
Chancellor set to leave CGT rates for second homes ‘untouched’
New leaks from Downing Street suggest Rachel Reeves is planning to leave Capital Gains Tax on property sales unchanged, while increasing rates on other asset sales by 'several percentage points'.
Industry groups urge policy-makers to ‘put UPRN at the heart of the UK property market’
Fresh calls to promote the use of Unique Property Reference Numbers.
Economists warn of landlord ‘exodus’ if CGT rises
Capital Economics has modelled what would happen if Capital Gains Tax went up to 45% for the highest-earning landlords and second home owners.
‘Britain is being turned into the departure lounge’ warns non-dom lobby group
'The government is listening,' say lobbyists calling for a rethink on the abolition of non-dom status.
HNWIs ‘are deeply concerned’ about this month’s Budget event, warns top estate agency boss
Winkworth's Dominic Agace wants the Chancellor to 'avoid intervening in the UK economy' on 30th October.
Chancellor weighs CGT hike up to 39%
Treasury models seen by The Guardian suggest hiking Capital Gains Tax that much would be 'detrimental' to the national finances.