‘Time to tax the rich’: Campaigners pitch four proposals to curb the growing wealth divide
'Greater taxation of rich people is not the only answer to the inequality crisis, but it is a fundamental part of it,' says Oxfam.
Net Zero Review proposes three steps to deliver ‘cleaner, cheaper, greener homes’
Chris Skidmore's Net Zero Review zeroes-in on the need to ramp up energy efficiency across Britain's housing stock - but falls short of providing practical help for property owners.
Only one in six landlords plan to increase their portfolio in 2023
Property investor confidence 'remains robust, despite the government’s best efforts', says a real estate lender.
DLUHC names Nimmo as Lead Non-Exec Director
Dame Alison Nimmo was formerly Chief Executive of The Crown Estate.
‘A very different market’ is emerging as we head into the new year – Garrington
A 'widespread repricing' is underway as home-buyer demand falls away, reports buying agency.
Gove gives up on mandatory housebuilding targets
Planning reform is once again causing headaches for a Prime Minister.
Liam Bailey: Is prime property well placed to weather the storm?
Knight Frank's global research head on the latest themes in property, wealth and investment...
What the Autumn Statement means for the UK property market
Financial markets have been calmer since Jeremy Hunt took to the floor, but the reversal of Kwasi Kwarteng’s stamp duty cut highlighted a paradox, writes Tom Bill.
Monday Market Review: Key figures & findings from the last seven days
Catch up on all the latest movements and commentary in less than five minutes, featuring data and analysis from LonRes, OBR, ONS, Rightmove, Winkworth, OnTheMarket & more…
Required Reading: The 2022 Autumn Statement for HNWIs & business owners
Mishcon de Reya highlights the key points and policies from yesterday's Autumn Statement - noting that what wasn't announced is 'arguably more interesting and revealing' than what was in Jeremy Hunt's…
‘It could’ve been worse’: Property industry reactions to the Autumn Statement 2022
Chancellor Hunt has slashed CGT allowances, time-limited Kwarsi Kwarteng's Stamp Duty cuts, and subjected many more people to the top rate of Income Tax - but the run of tax increases come will come into…
Chancellor Hunt hikes taxes; plans to roll back recent Stamp Duty cuts in 2025
Today's Autumn Statement represents 'a substantial tax increase', admits Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, targeting 'those with the broadest shoulders'.