Industry Reactions: Government unveils latest plan to boost housing supply
New policies are 'a step in the right direction,' says Winkworth, while Knight Frank warns that proposed planning reforms will 'only paper over the cracks'.
Sunak commits to building 1 million homes as Gove outlines long-term plan for housing
Latest government housebuilding strategy focuses on urban property development to avoid 'concreting over the countryside'.
Gove: ‘We should relax the pace’ of home energy efficiency drive
Housing Secretary says his Housing Department is 'asking too much too quickly' of landlords to improve EPC rating; Prime Minister doesn't want to 'hassle' people with energy efficiency upgrades.
The Guardian: MPs must close loophole to drive out dirty money from UK property
'The job must not be half-done,' warns The Guardian, as an important piece of legislation is put on ice for the Summer holidays.
FT: How long can the UK rental crisis last?
The Financial Times warns of 'little relief in sight' for struggling tenants and beleaguered landlords.
‘Holiday homes loophole’ to cost councils £170mn this year
'The problem is not second homeowners, it is politicians failing to understand the issues and having the courage to do something about it,' says top property agency.
Industry Reactions: Bank of England raises base interest rate to 5%
'If we don't raise rates now, it could be worse later,' explains Bank of England chief, as interest rates climb to a 15-year high.
Abrahmsohn: Why clobbering private landlords is folly
Beware, warns veteran agent Trevor Abrahmsohn, the Four Horseman of the Property Apocalypse are saddling up and ready to go...
Tom Bill: Nerves & mortgage rates rise ahead of inflation data & Bank decision
Rates are increasing as financial markets price in a period of more stubborn inflation, says Knight Frank's head of resi research.
Tom Bill: Jobs market holds clues about direction for house prices & mortgage rates
What happens to core inflation will determine how much higher the Bank of England will push rates, says Knight Frank's head of UK resi research.
Tories face donation shortfall as ‘angry’ housebuilders pull back
20% of donations to the party between 2010 and 2020 came from firms and individuals connected to the housing market.
London Mayor & Westminster Council call for greater powers to tackle the capital’s empty homes ‘scandal’
Sadiq Khan wants to raise council tax on long-term empty homes to discourage absentee owners, and to 'make it easier' for councils to temporarily take-over under-used buildings.