Things landlords need to know about incoming rental reforms
John D Wood & Co.'s Head of Lettings, Tanya Hasking, sheds light on the main changes landlords can expect from a raft of reforms targeting the private rented sector.
Labour rules out new wealth & mansion taxes
"I don't see the way to prosperity as being through taxation," says Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves.
Propertymark: ‘Tax incentives can power up energy efficiency standards’
"A simple tax restructure" could help more private rental homes meet EPC targets, suggest property industry insiders.
Property industry reactions: Bank of England hikes base rate again, to 5.25%
Featuring analysis from Chestertons, JLL, Knight Frank, Rightmove, Savills, Zoopla and more.
Why we need to build collaboration & flexibility into plans for housing delivery
A considered response to Michael Gove's latest proposals to boost housebuilding, from the Savills ESG and Urban Design teams.
Planning logjams, bigger risks & shrinking margins: What it’s really like being a real estate developer in London right now
Russell Smithers, CEO of luxury developer REDD, pulls no punches in this account of the myriad challenges facing those delivering homes in the capital - and their potentially far-reaching consequences.
Abrahmsohn on interest rates: Is the medicine worse than the ailment?
The BoE needs to be wary of double-dosing the patient later this week, warns veteran agent Trevor Abrahmsohn.
Political spat erupts as Prime Minister ‘steps in’ to tackle London’s housing problems
Rishi Sunak has outlined a plan to build more homes in central London, in a move that Mayor Sadiq Khan has dismissed as 'pathetic gesture politics'.
Local short-term let rules are the only way to ensure balance – Propertymark
Regulation could help, but construction of more homes 'remains the real solution', says property industry trade body.
What impact is rate hiking uncertainty having on buyers?
Buyers are finding it difficult to plan without surety about how high interest rates will climb, says Knight Frank.
Over half of all homes in the UK’s private rented sector need upgrading to hit the target EPC – Savills
A lot of progress has been made, but some 2.9 million homes in the private rented sector still need work done to upgrade their EPC rating to a C - and the bill could hit £30bn.
HM Treasury seeks views on AML compliance reform
Four options to reform AML provision have been proposed by the government.