
So now we know when a house is not a "house" (more on last year's Hosebay ruling here), what then constitutes a "flat" in the eyes of the law? Following this week's landmark decision in the complex case …

Tenants will soon receive a right to challenge "rogue" lettings agents, with the government today demanding that all agents sign up to an approved redress scheme

George Osborne's plan to get the housing market moving seems to actually be working

The Government has launched a new consultation into the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), confirming that it is "committed to the levy and to ensuring that it is workable and effective" whilst accepting…

DEFRA has launched a £1.5m scheme to crack down on Ash Dieback (Chalara).

As Lonres releases its Spring Residential Review, William Carrington urges the government to be careful of playing fast and loose with the property industry...

Just a quick update on the ongoing basement saga in RBKC; Kensington & Chelsea Council will be holding a Q&A session on the second draft of its Basement Policy on 8th April

The House of Lords' rejection of coalition plans to allow double-size planning-free extensions to properties for three years will not, according to the Government, change anything

A year after it was published, and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) properly comes into force today. The guiding force of the document is a "presumption in favour of sustainable development

The Budget's hints of relaxed planning regulations, the temporary office-to-resi permitted development right and the impending NPFF are just the beginning of a developers' free-for-all and a war on the…

As the Royal Borough announces new planning guidelines, we asked four of the area's top buying agents for their take on "iceberg houses"..

What does today's Budget mean for HNWs? Mishcon de Reya break it down to give the skinny on tax implications for the wealthy