The Market
Sales volumes to fall off by another 5% next year – RICS
Downbeat forecast from the Institute suggests 2019 could be a good one to take that sabbatical
Government outlines a package of reforms to create ‘a more responsible building industry’
All of Dame Hackitt's post-Grenfell building safety recommendations will be implemented, says James Brokenshire
‘If a Corbyn-led government is returned at the next General Election, I’m out of here too’
2018 has been a mixed bag for property with differing fortunes across the price ranges, and there are many obstacles to wade through before positive sentiment returns, says Glentree boss Trevor Abrahmsohn...
UHNWI ‘might want to accelerate’ plans to move assets out of the UK, advises Swiss bank
Credit Suisse suggests super-wealthy clients should start getting their ducks in a row ahead of PM May's rescheduled vote to leave the EU in January
Prices & transactions continue to suffer but there is a ‘significant weight of capital poised to make its move’
Several instances of competitive bidding could be the first sign of a long-awaited bounce-back, says LCP
The proportion of UK homes let by an overseas landlord has more than halved since 2010
Overseas landlords have exited the UK in their droves, says Hamptons International, as a harsher tax regime and additional costs lessen the appeal for many...
Rightmove reports the biggest two-month drop in asking prices since 2012
The average asking price of a new property coming to market is 3.2% lower than it was two months ago
UK house prices are flatlining – LSL & Acadata
Annual change in house price growth now at its lowest level for seven years; market 'going nowhere fast'
Empty homes in the UK: The true picture
Jan Ambrose, Editor of the residential section of the RICS' Property Journal, explores the data behind empty homes headlines, and asks what can be done to deal with long-term vacant properties
Most letting agents think rents will rise in 2019
Two-thirds of ARLA agents are forecasting positive rental price growth for next year - but nearly three quarters expect landlord numbers to dwindle
London house prices have another 10% to fall – Cluttons
Core Central London areas have already seen declines of 20-25%, says latest agency to predict the future
‘Buyers & sellers sit tight in increasing numbers’ as Brexit dominates sentiment
"I can't recall a previous survey when a single issue has been highlighted by quite so many contributors", remarks RICS' Chief Economist;