The Market
Power Lines: London’s new Zone 1 neighbourhood ‘will come of age’ in 2021
Around 5,000 new homes have been built in VNEB (Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea) over the last five years, and another 7,000 are due to be delivered in the next five...
Mayfair deal numbers could jump by 50% this year, predicts Wetherell
Mayfair's "polarised" property market is due to bounce back after three years in the doldrums, says Peter Wetherell.
Mansion tax plans ‘shelved’ after backlash
Plans to unveil a new tax on high-end properties in next month's Budget have reportedly been shelved, just a week after rumours first surfaced.
Rightmove predicts ‘a series of new price records’ this Spring
Supply is finally starting to rise, says Rightmove, but not as fast as demand...
Landlord numbers fall to a seven-year low
The average private rental portfolio size has risen as the number of landlords has dropped, reports Hamptons International. The national average rent increased by 3.6% in the last year.
City high-rollers return to Prime London
Proportion of £2m+ buyers from a City/finance background hit a six-year high in 2019
London house prices have risen at nearly twice the pace of the national average in the last ten years
Property prices in Greater London escalated by 82% between 2009 and 2019, according to research house Acadata. That's nearly twice the average house price inflation rate across UK regions (42.6%).
Chancellor Javid resigns a month before Budget day; Sunak takes over
Sajid Javid has surprised everyone by quitting as Chancellor of the Exchequer - with just four weeks until the Budget. Rishi Sunak has taken over the keys to the Treasury and No.11 Downing Street.
‘House price pressures appear to be building’ as market activity grows
Surveyors "are optimistic regarding the outlook for activity over the next twelve months," says the RICS.
Super-rich & sustainable: How climate change is affecting the luxury property sector
HNWIs and developers are changing their behaviour as the socially responsible revolution rolls on, writes Penny Mosgrove...
‘New opportunities for well informed purchasers’: Buying agency predicts ‘a brisk first quarter’
Echoing a lot of other market data and anecdotes, buying agency Garrington has just enjoyed "one of its busiest Januarys in ten years", with rising levels of both new searches and agreed sales.
Why 2020 is looking like a year for determined purchasers
The London market should grow in confidence as more buyers decide to hop off the fence, but don’t expect the up-tick in demand to be matched by an increase in supply, warns Saul Empson...