The Market
House prices are rising at five times the rate of flat prices
Zoopla's research chief Grainne Gilmore expects property price inflation to continue to accelerate in the coming months, "peaking at around 6%, before falling back to between 4%-5% by the end of 2021.
Twice as many landlords plan to sell a property in the next five years as sold an asset in the last five years
"More landlords have decided to leave having grown tired of dealing with tenants than they have because of various government tax changes," says investment firm Sequre.
Competition heats up for sites as developers look to replenish their pipelines
Greenfield opps are in particularly high demand, sending values soaring by over 9% in the last year.
40% of properties sold for more than their original asking price in June
"Astonishing" demand broke more property market records last month, reports Propertymark, but the estate agency organisation does anticipate "a rebalancing of the market over the coming months."
Knightsbridge flats are central London’s ‘best bargains’, with prices down 11%
"The race for space has left some central London bargains in its wake," says Knight Frank, with apartments in some Golden Postcode areas seeing average PSF prices more than 10% below their five-year average.
Record month for Knight Frank’s London sales teams
Monthly and quarterly records fell as buyers rushed to beat the stamp duty deadline.
Busiest prime London market since 2014, with 61% more £5m+ deals than in 2019
The top-end of London residential sales market has just enjoyed its strongest first half since 2014, reports Savills, with 59% more £5m+ transactions recorded in the first six months of this year compared…
Buying agencies ‘overwhelmed’ as househunters seek professional help
In the UK’s hottest property markets, ‘you’ll struggle to secure a good buying agent this year or next, or perhaps even the year after that’, according to Stacks.
Building Safety Levy consultation opens
Around 200 high-rise residential schemes would be affected each year by this proposed new tax, estimates the Government.
Buyers move further for bigger homes
In the South West, buyer interest for larger 4+ bed homes comes from a radius that is five times that of interest for 1-3 bed homes.
Ranked: Top ten AONBs by price premium
As the government considers new areas of the countryside for protected status, Knight Frank suggests now might be a good time to invest…