
Rents are rising across all GB regions, says Hamptons, although the pace of growth has cooled in Greater London and Scotland.

Shifting working patterns and affordability issues have sent studio rents soaring.

'An important message coming back from RICS agents is around ensuring prices are set with an eye on the market conditions of today, rather than the recent past,' says the Institute's Chief Economist; 'when…

But rental stock 'is not as scarce as it was this this time last year,' says Savills - and 'only the highest quality homes can now expect multiple bids.'

Catch up on all the latest movements and commentary in less than five minutes, featuring data and analysis from JLL, Zoopla, Knight Frank, LonRes, Savills & more...

'The implications of stubborn inflation on the UK mortgage market are hampering activity in Prime Central London,' says JLL.

The Financial Times warns of 'little relief in sight' for struggling tenants and beleaguered landlords.

Catch up on all the latest movements and commentary in less than five minutes, featuring data and analysis from Zoopla, Knight Frank, Chestertons, LonRes, Jackson-Stops, Savills & more...

'The story of low supply in the prime London lettings market appears to be coming to an end,' says Knight Frank's research head.

Chestertons reports a dramatic increase in rental market activity, warning tenants of a 'highly competitive' market.

Catch up on all the latest movements and commentary in less than five minutes, featuring data and analysis from Beauchamp Estates, ONS, The Buying Solution, OnTheMarket, Knight Frank & more...