Landlording It: Why the central London rental sector is set to explode
Whichever way you look at London’s housing market, one thing is certain: we are facing an explosion in the central London rental sector that will come as a windfall for landlords, says Tim Hassell...
Essential Living appoints agents on landmark PRS scheme
17-storey Vantage Point development in Archway
Theresa May ‘likely to preside over a static London property market’
"There's one thing the Prime Minister can't control," says Stirling Ackroyd boss Andrew Bridges: "London house prices.
In Pictures: ‘London’s largest lateral’ with gold ceilings offered for £25,000 per week
Sprawls across one level in the hyper-exclusive The Bromptons
‘Marked drop’ in homeowner sentiment post-Brexit
The first survey of household sentiment on property prices since the EU referendum is out, and it's shown the biggest month-to-month loss of momentum for seven-and-a-half years.
‘Risk of oversupply’ as London’s serviced apartment market matures
The serviced apartment sector is continuing to grow at quite the pace - 10.
A falling market ‘could jumpstart online agencies with upmarket clients’
A downturn at the top end of the property market could be a boon for online estate agencies looking to target higher-value homes, argues Michelle Ricci of property research and analysis firm Propcision...
Relocation searches ‘up by 50%’ in prime London lettings market
The prime London lettings market is showing "signs of positivity", with a "healthy" number of deals being agreed for this time of year, according to Knightsbridge agency W.A. Ellis.
What impact will Brexit really have on the UK’s prime resi markets?
Savills has done a sterling job of summing up where we're at and identifying the "key drivers" at play in the post-Brexit arena.
‘Opportunistic’ prime London fund reports strong results
Targeting the "buoyant" Private Rented Sector
‘Sigh of relief’ after Supreme Court ruling on landlord’s duty
Court of Appeal's judgment left buy-to-let and other intermediate landlords facing the risk of potential claims for personal injury or other damages
Brexit Bites: Supply sees ‘steepest fall on record’ as surveyors predict slow times ahead
June saw a "marked drop" in property market activity, says the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, as buyer enquiries tumbled to their lowest level since 2008, the number of agreed sales tanked, new…