
Accountancy firm puts the number in difficulty at nearly 5,000 nationally

New study reveals the global web of IFCs and offshore tax management

Knight Frank's Taimur Khan delivers a briefing on the implications of currency movements on residential real estate markets

House purchase and remortgage approvals by lenders dipped in May

Quantitative analysis shows what has happened to the market since the Brexit vote, and what the near future might hold...

The election result may have delivered yet more unwelcome uncertainty, but the prospect of a 'Soft Brexit' could be good news for both the economy and the housing market, says Charles Curran...

London tops the table for the most resident multi-millionaires and for HNW importance, but not for billionaire population

A survey of 3,000 millionaires Trumpets a dramatic claim - but HNWIs are still feeling positive

Imposing CGT on one's PPR would sound the death knell for the high-value markets of London, says Trevor Abrahmsohn...