
41,624 property business are struggling, warns a top corporate recovery firm, as the UK's real estate sector is hit particularly hard by economic headwinds

Savills tots up and presents the total residential property wealth of the nation in infographic form, charting price inflation, house-building numbers, regional variances and more...

Knight Frank tracks prime property price movements in key global cities since the Global Financial Crisis, a decade ago.

Chancellor reiterates a "commitment to tackle the challenges in our housing market"

Historian Niall Ferguson talks to Knight Frank about the issues facing the world and its wealth creators.

One of the world’s most influential and controversial historians talks exclusively to The Wealth Report’s editor Andrew Shirley about the big issues facing the world and its wealth creators...

The global population is rising by 45 million each year. Edinburgh Napier University's Sean Smith examines what needs to happen for housing construction to keep pace with escalating demand...

A 1% rise 'would add £10bn to the UK's mortgage bill', says Savills, which works out at around £930 per year per mortgaged household...

£126m of last year's £175m total came from Westminster and RBKC...

Over half of owners with properties worth over £10m show support for "imaginative" council tax proposals...

There's a new breed of affluent home-buyer, declares Luxury Portfolio after looking at some demographics and research findings on the world's super-rich.

The latest English Housing Survey gives a statistical overview of how the country lives...