Get set for the overseas buyer mini-boom
Following a return to a 1970s-style market dominated by domestic buyers, we can expect an influx of international investment this year - particularly from Asia - as lockdown measures ease across the world,…
Overseas landlords ‘undeterred by Brexit’ as numbers hit five-year high
Favourable exchange rates and the stamp duty holiday have spurred many into action.
Investors are forming ‘clubs’ to skirt the new overseas buyer Stamp Duty surcharge
"Rather than invest in a single buy-to-let personally, some overseas investors are joining 'club' deals where they take a share of a collective purchase of six or more properties," says Blick Rothenberg.
Knight Frank backs Fifth Wall proptech fund
Knight Frank has decided to invest in American venture capital firm Fifth Wall's European Real Estate Technology Fund.
Martin’s offloads six properties for £22m
Chelsea-based developer/investor Martin's Properties has sold six "non-core" assets for a combined £22m, including a mixed-use block in SW3 to Store House for £7.35m.
Property and the evolving crypto dilemma
Blockchain and smart currency are still in their infancy in the property universe, writes Chris Dietz - and huge question marks remain over the implications of a wider rollout...
Hilltop plans to deploy ‘up to £300m’ on resi development projects in the next three years
Development finance firm Hilltop has secured major US backing for residential construction investments in the UK.
Goldman Sachs buys German modular housing pioneer
Goldman Sachs has acquired the majority stake in Germany's Oikos Group, following on from a £75m investment in British modular housing firm Top Hat in 2019.
Lloyds to become a resi landlord
It's being reported that the UK's largest mortgage lender is to begin building its own portfolio of rental properties this year.
Fairway tees up another PCL acquisition drive
PCL-focused resi fund has so far bought ten properties in Belgravia and Knightsbridge with a combined value of £70m, and is now looking to deploy another £50m.
Cash deals dwindle as smaller landlords tempted to invest
Average rents in the South East have climbed by 10% in the last year, reports Hamptons - while rents in Central London have fallen by 16%.
Why global investors are hungry for PCL assets right now
Knight Frank’s Guy Stebbings, whose team has exchanged on well over a billion pounds worth of deals in the last six months, explains why activity levels in the resi investment market are running at…