
Former Head of Investment Matthew Jackson joins Nick Carter's 'innovative' new agency in Kensington

Britain's biggest online estate agency claims to have sold '3.1 times the number of properties than the next largest UK estate agency brand' in the year to May - but posts a £26m pre-tax loss

Global network now 565-strong after 16 new additions across Asia, Europe, Africa and North America

The UK development finance market is 'particularly attractive, Paragon tells its investors, 'with strong long-term growth prospects'

The EU has cleared Silver Lake's acquisition of ZPG

Randeesh Sandhu's non-bank property development finance firm completed a £165m IPO in May

Birmingham-based giant moving away from "more challenging" sectors including London resi land and UK retail

Over 150 firms went bust in the last year alone, reports accountancy firm

Online agency announces £29.3m swoop on major Québec-based counterpart

Property firm launches a book as part of its "Our London" campaign

Thirdfort's transaction platform promises to quash fraud and speed-up deals

EXCLUSIVE: Fast-growing independent agency brings on high-profile former Countrywide man as Central London MD