Property Developer News
£768m Victoria Circle construction to start next month
It's been a big morning for Land Securities, announcing a 3.4% rise in pre-tax profits to £533m and the official start to its mammoth £768m Victoria Circle project.
“New Normal” developers follow the money, not the story, to reach HNW buyers
Developers are talking a good game about attracting British buyers to their shiny new builds, but it's all puff: everyone knows that the real money is still overseas, says Charlie Ellingworth of Property…
Singapore’s latest measures good for UK developers
London properties continued to sell well in Singapore last weekend, with the number of individual developments showcasing their investment opportunities during January hitting double digits, says Andrew…
Construction crumbles this year, but high rises on the way
After a brief window of less-aggressive pessimism, the latest Construction Industry Forecasts predict a 4.5% drop in construction industry output this year.
Developers cater for Asian influx
With Asian buyers reportedly accounting for 60 pc of new build properties purchased in Central London in 2011, developers are increasingly tailoring projects to appeal to their top demographic.