Bank of England revises down house price forecasts amid ‘Brexit-related uncertainties’
Political uncertainty, affordability constraints and policy changes have all taken a toll on demand in the UK housing market, warns the BoE in its latest inflation report;
OBR slashes property price growth forecasts
'The latest near-term indicators of housing market activity point to a significant weakening', warns the Office for Budget Responsibility, as it anticipates falling property prices and transaction numbers…
The global UHNWI population is forecast to grow by 22% over the next five years
"Despite a darkening economic outlook, wealth creation will remain a constant in 2019," predicts Knight Frank in its new Wealth Report.
CBRE predicts 1.8% house price inflation this year & a 40% chance of a ‘no deal’ Brexit
UK property prices 'are approaching the limit that current incomes and credit conditions can support', says CBRE, and 'there is little to suggest a rebound in sales volumes'.
Hong Kong’s richest man forecasts a global slowdown – and warns against property speculation
South China Morning Post: If you’re going to buy a house in Hong Kong, live in it, warns tycoon Li Ka-shing
Ten reasons why the PCL market could surge in 2019
While some are forecasting significant price falls in the year ahead, equity fund manager-turned-buying agent Fraser Slater believes Q1 will mark the low point of the cycle, and precede a spirited post-Brexit…
Savills’ top cross-sector property investment picks for 2019
Researchers expect five-year capital growth across residential, commercial and rural real estate sectors to come in at just 30% as 'investors zero in on the fundamentals of supply and demand'
The 18-Year View: Beyond-Brexit factors affecting PCL’s current property market cycle
Prime Central London's market works on an 18-year cycle, says leading luxury property developer Charlie Baxter - as he predicts a post-Brexit surge, and that residential prices have a 40% climb in them…
Most letting agents think rents will rise in 2019
Two-thirds of ARLA agents are forecasting positive rental price growth for next year - but nearly three quarters expect landlord numbers to dwindle
London house prices have another 10% to fall – Cluttons
Core Central London areas have already seen declines of 20-25%, says latest agency to predict the future
Jackson-Stops foresees a ‘very slow’ start to 2019
'The government now just needs to focus on getting the best deal possible and then we as an industry need to ride the wave until a greater number of buyers and sellers feel more confident moving in the…
Strutts significantly revises down PCL price forecast
Downside risk for 2019 now put at -5% amid 'substantial economic and political uncertainty'