Results for "taylor wimpey"

London properties continued to sell well in Singapore last weekend, with the number of individual developments showcasing their investment opportunities during January hitting double digits, says Andrew…

New board member James Silverthorne previously held positions at Taylor Wimpey and St George.

£400m reinvention of the North London Royal Mail site promises to put Islington on the new-build buyers' map

Homes England has brought in Savills to advise on the next stage of the development of the UK's biggest new town since Milton Keynes

"Many new [residential development] sites are being soft marketed to test the appetite in the market," reports Savills, "and some have been launched now avoid competition with other sites later in the…

Lendlease, Barratt Developments Plc and Redrow have been crowned as the UK's "most sustainable housebuilders" in this year's NextGeneration benchmarking survey

Yes there's been a red double-decker trundling up and down the Croisette since Tuesday, but nothing says UK property like a nice cup of tea

London's new Mayor has been talking about forcing developers to market new schemes solely in the capital for the first six months as a condition of planning.

"This is just the beginning," says Housing Secretary Michael Gove. "We will do whatever it takes to hold industry to account, and under our new measures there will be nowhere to hide."

Natalie Elphicke has been installed as Chair of the fledgling New Homes Ombudsman.

Boris Johnson has named the 25 developers chosen to sit on his new land procurement panel, which is being set up to "accelerate the delivery of housing in London by making it faster, easier and cheaper…

Awards season kicks off early this year, with the shortlist for RESI Awards 2013 - the popular extension to the RESI conference which "recognise excellence in residential property" - revealed today