Location: United Kingdom

Stretching the definitions of "Autumn", the Chancellor has just delivered his annual Autumn Statement

It hasn't taken long for the prime property industry to wade in with opinions on the Autumn Statement. Here be some lively thoughts on capital gains tax and more..

In case you were at lunch or something, the much-predicted imposition of Capital Gains Tax on foreign individuals buying in the UK has just been announced by the Chancellor in his latest Autumn Statement

Bringing a whole new meaning to the phrase "kick 'em when they're down", Greece has been named "Worst Property Market of 2013"

Winkworth has been reviewing the recent fortunes of the key W8/W14 patch, and boy has it been bustling over the last few months. Have a gander at this..

Fresh from MSMR's triumph in the "Residential Visualisation" category at last week's SBID Awards, Sheila McCusker explains how computer generated imagery has evolved from a "nice-to-have" into an essential to…

Planning approvals for residential developments with 10+ units were 31% higher in Q3 this year compared to the same time last year, according to some research by the Home Builders Federation and Glenigan

WhatHouse? is going back to the old school, resurrecting its print editions after spending the last few years in a digital-only incarnation

Dan Cruickshank, the architecture/history guy off of the TV, has come out swinging against "massive new developments" in London's East End

Carter Jonas has hired former Lambert Smith Hampton man Tim Shaw as Partner to lead the firm's London Development team.

Trevor Abrahmsohn is surprised to find himself agreeing with Tessa Jowell..

As reported last week, London's price growth is calming down a bit: PCL prices went up by just 0.2% in November, taking annual growth down to +6.9%