Location: Prime Central London
Landlords must price competitively this autumn or face void periods: Cluttons
Demand for prime central London rental properties has slipped by a whopping 20 per cent since the heady days of summer, whilst corporate relocation budgets are being slashed, according to Cluttons.
Once a house, not always a house: Hosebay and de Walden triumph in the Supreme Court
It's been decided: a house is not always a house.
Black Brick bullish on sub £2m prime market as buyers continue to flock from overseas
A broad base of international buyers has returned to the prime property market after the summer recess, with a noticeable upturn in transactions reported in in recent weeks, according to search and acquisition…
Prime London rents drop despite strong demand
Average rents in prime London have dropped over the last year, but there is scant uniformity across different boroughs. Savills report that Islington and Hampstead have dropped by 4.
Merchant Square, W2: over 50% sold off-plan
3 Merchant Square, the luxury development in Paddington by European Land and Property Limited, is now over 50% sold off plan, bringing-in over £100m in sales.
Prime Paris on the move…(as UK rolls out more red carpet)
A quick update on the "Monsieur Flip-Flop" effect that we've been keeping an eye on recently...
Super Design Gallery
Whilst we're all for supporting our home-grown British talent here at PrimeResi, the Super Design Gallery that launched this year at Super Brands London, was an ex-industrial space dedicated to such…
The Legal View
All the latest property law news in one handy briefing from Mishcon de Reya.
PCL growth to 9.9% this year, but slowing
Prime central London prices continue to reach new heights, according to Knight Frank's latest residential property market report, climbing by 0.5% in August , taking the annual rise to 9.9%;
Quietly does it: Robert Bailey opens up about private sales
To sell your property on the open market or not? That is the question... at least in prime central London, says Robert Bailey.
Super-prime market enjoys a vintage year
The £10m+ market has had a cracking year, with prices rising 9.4% in the 12 months to August according to Knight Frank's Super-Prime London Report.
Foxtons opens new branch in SheBu
Foxtons has just opened the doors to its 37th office.