Location: Prime Central London
Zones 2, 3 and 6 lead London’s transaction recovery – Hamptons
Transactions levels are still a way off last year's levels, says Hamptons International, but "that may now be beginning to change," with the capital's prime fringes and commuter hubs feeling the first…
Offshore companies have bought-up £150bn of UK property in the last 15 years
Over £150bn-worth of UK property has been bought-up by offshore firms since 1999, according to new research by The Sunday Times.
Trading Places: UK landlords holding onto properties for 5 years longer post-recession
On average, UK landlords currently trade their properties every 17 years, compared to every 14 years for homeowners, according to some interesting new findings from the country's biggest estate agency.
LCP launches new fund with 50-property ‘seed portfolio’
London Central Portfolio has just announced the launch of its "super fund", LCA III, which comes with a "seed portfolio" of 50 properties already in place.
Required Reading: Understanding Building Regulations
Building regs can sometimes be overlooked in the course of a transaction, but non-compliance can have expensive and potentially dangerous real world consequences.
Tenants’ Super-Prime: A field guide to London’s UHNW rental tribes
Mayfair is "the ultimate destination for high net worth renters," says Tunstall Property, "followed by Knightsbridge and Belgravia respectively." Marylebone, however, comes out on top for rental investments.
Top end rallies but PCL transactions still well down on 2014 levels
Q2 transaction levels across prime central London were up 24% on Q1, notes Strutt & Parker, with a 40% increase recorded in the £2m+ range.
Prime Property of the Week: Billionaires’ Row Bargain
Palace Green, Kensington Palace Gardens, Kensington
Keeping up with the Joneses is not really an option on Billionaires' Row;
Residential revival puts garden squares back at the top of London’s property tree
London's garden squares "are seeing a residential revival", with some super high-end projects returning buildings around central green spaces back to their original use.
Resi developers named as London mayoral candidate donors
Some big-name resi firms have been named as major donors to London's mayoral candidates as they ramp up their respective campaigns.
Two thirds of UK building companies turn down work due to skills shortage
There's a "desperate need" for apprentices in the construction sector, says the Federation of Master Builders as it has a go at drilling down into the skills shortage.
Rare £10m ‘super-villa’ scheme comes up for sale in St John’s Wood
Something pretty extraordinary has just hit the open market in St John's Wood; a £10m period villa that comes complete with planning permission to double its size.