Location: London

Period pad on Peel Street is thought to be PCL's leanest

New Partner and Head of Planning for property law firm

NEO Bankside residents 'instruct lawyers' after glass-fronted apartments go on public view

Proceeds to go to The Peter O’Sullevan Charitable Trust

Two-year old firm bought by major franchise group in £15m deal

LuxuryMade is a 'contemporary decorative interiors' event, taking place during London Design Week

Savills just put a price on a good education

Restricting mobility in the second hand market and the delivery of new homes, says giant housebuilder

Record-breaking Docklands development will be the tallest resi structure in western Europe

Mayfair property agency rolls out Chinese-language website after noting surge in traffic

Rare 13,360 square foot opportunity on a 1.75 acre plot

Lots sold, offered and total raised all down in July