Location: London

'Land buying conditions remain attractive' says Star & Garter developer as acquisition drive continues

The planning system is "still yet to reflect the current market conditions"

Penn and Van Straubenzee line up behind former employee for a new property recruitment agency

Article updated to include a summary of proceedings and link to full Hansard records

Heritage groups call for end to 'prosecution-free window' allowing destruction of important historic buildings

Coutts Index pits £10m+ homes against fine wine, fine art, jewellery, rare instruments and classic cars - but which has fared best over the last year?

Jackson-Stops looks at how direct access to the beach/sea affects property prices

Maximum premium in Westminster's top Band H is currently £688

Adding 27 extra market-price units at the landmark development Victoria would make the proportion of affordable homes "unacceptable", says the Mayor

Grainger's Tracey Hartley brought in to lead £1.2bn portfolio

Neighbouring the stately Kenwood House, the 23 properties on Courtenay Avenue are protected by guards and gates 24 hours a day...

Agency re-secures and extends existing appointment to include a raft of additional services...