Location: London
Big landlords are “raising the bar” for tenants, as London rents forecast to grow by 24% by 2018 – Savills
Rents in prime London rose by 1.
Spring fling highlights a “bedrock of belief” in mainstream market – Rightmove
The mainstream property market’s spring fling has kicked in, with London setting another new house price record as average asking prices reach £486,890, according to Rightmove’s latest House price…
Stop talking about a mansion tax, cut VAT, and other advice for the Chancellor on Wednesday
As George Osborne limbers up for his big day, the prime property industry is agog with anticipation of what may come.
UK rental stock value up £200bn in five years as investors see big returns
The surging residential rental market in England and Wales is attracting new investors both large and small, according to the latest from CBRE.
Crossrail hubs on track for 40% price surge
Residential prices around Tottenham Court Road, Farringdon and Canary Wharf look set to steam ahead by 40% over the next five years, as Crossrail cuts a swathe through the capital and drives massive -…
Volume of capital’s rental stock rockets by 51% – KFH
Hot on the heels of Chesterton Humberts' similar findings, Kinleigh Folkard & Hayward has reported a distinct shift towards the tenants in London's rental market power struggle, with a 51% increase in…
32 months of woe end as house price sentiment looks up
Most UK homeowners expect house prices to increase this year, according to the latest Knight Frank / Markit sentiment survey, with March's results showing - for this first time in 32 months - that property…
The Ideal Home: revealed
UK homeowners want a 4.5 bed house with garage and garden in the South West of England, according to a survey by Primelocation.
Mayfair mansion goes for £32m
A 10,000 square foot Grade II mansion in the heart of "Mayfair Village" has just sold on a guide price of £32m.
Asian activity and London demand drive Savills’ profits up 21%
Savills' pretax profits rose 21% to £60.8m on a group revenue of £806.4m (up 12% on the year) in 2012, thrashing most analysts' expectations.
Qatari Diar “fully committed” to Chelsea Barracks as UK CEO steps down
Qatar's property investment arm Qatari Diar has announced that John Wallace, its CEO in the UK, will be leaving the company.
RESI Awards Personality of the Year: nominees announced
The shortlist for the showcase "Residential Property Personality of the Year" category at this year's RESI Awards has been kept under wraps for the last month or so - presumably to build dramatic effect.