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“London is the ideal venue as Dar Global looks to access a larger pool of investors and partners to support its expansion ambitions in the global luxury real estate landscape,” says the Chairman of Dar…

PrimeResi's regular stock check, powered by LonRes

David Huggett talks us through the latest movements on the world's currency markets - and the real-world impact on real estate buyers...

'Just building yet more housing estates in the way they have been done for decades, no matter how low-carbon the buildings are, is not good enough,' warns a report by ADAM Architecture and Blenheim Estate…

But competition amongst British property brokers is fierce, meaning average earnings per agency are lower than in some EU nations.

New research looks at which industries have been ditching their dress codes since the pandemic.

UK purchasers are now in the majority in London's most exclusive neighbourhoods, reports London Central Portfolio.

11,000 square foot property on Pitt Street was one of the top-end developer's flagship central London projects.

Voza confirms string of new projects in Chelsea & Marylebone as it targets 'exponential growth'.

252,500 new homes were completed in 2022, the second-highest figure since the Global Financial Crisis.

'The theme of 2023 is adaptability', concludes Luxury Portfolio International after polling a cross-section of the world's wealthiest home-buyers.

New 'Biodiversity Net Gain' requirements for property developments are coming soon, to improve wildlife habitats and help slow species decline across the UK.