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Knight Frank's latest analysis of the luxury branded residential development space indicates continued stellar growth - but developers and operators need to be wary of some significant  potential pitfalls...

Andrea Ruckstuhl steps up to fill the shoes of Neil Martin.

Tech-led lender has bagged more investment 'to support the scaling of BTL and residential mortgage products'

Global super-prime specialist Serge Cowan is the latest recruit to Daniel Daggers' brokerage-style operation.

HNW tenants settled on a 14,500 sq ft residence on The Bishops Avenue after being unable to find what they wanted in RBKC.

With the development now over 97% sold across all completed phases, JLL delves into the driving factors behind the success at Battersea Power Station.

Prime property prices are falling across the UK, reports Savills, with more rural markets seeing the biggest declines.

Catch up on all the latest movements and commentary in less than five minutes, featuring data and analysis from Zoopla, Knight Frank, Chestertons, LonRes, Jackson-Stops, Savills & more...

Chelsea mega-deal is the largest resi transaction lodged with the Land Registry in London so far this year.

'The story of low supply in the prime London lettings market appears to be coming to an end,' says Knight Frank's research head.

Retailer reveals proposals for 781 new rental homes in outer London, centred around public piazzas with 'flagship' Waitrose stores.

Yet the outlook for the sector "remains robust", says CBRE's research team.