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Architectural, environmental and engineering experts will provide independent advice on major developments in the borough.

New analysis suggests a recovery is underway in the glitzy PCL neighbourhood.

Paul Price has been recruited by Hat and Home to run its flagship Ascot office.

Andrew Twagira will be running the lettings team at the agency's branch in Aldgate.

New policies are 'a step in the right direction,' says Winkworth, while Knight Frank warns that proposed planning reforms will 'only paper over the cracks'.

Latest government housebuilding strategy focuses on urban property development to avoid 'concreting over the countryside'.

Catch up on all the latest movements and commentary in less than five minutes, featuring data and analysis from Rightmove, Savills, the ONS, JLL, TwentyCi, Foxtons & more...

Three-bed option on Charles Street hits the rental market following a makeover costing 'hundreds of thousands of pounds'

Demand for waterfront homes remains buoyant in the UK and overseas, reports Knight Frank, with new analysis revealing average price premiums in these exclusive locations, alongside some of the key trends…

Housing Secretary says his Housing Department is 'asking too much too quickly' of landlords to improve EPC rating; Prime Minister doesn't want to 'hassle' people with energy efficiency upgrades.

Despite tentative signs of recovery at the end of Q1, new data confirms a slowdown is well underway as consumers 'struggle to progress planned home-moves amid continued cost of living pressures'

'Some of the major housebuilders are cautiously returning to the land market,' says Savills - although 'many are still largely out of the market.'