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Why 2020 is looking like a year for determined purchasers
The London market should grow in confidence as more buyers decide to hop off the fence, but don’t expect the up-tick in demand to be matched by an increase in supply, warns Saul Empson...
Carrington on Q4: Just how bad was 2019?
LonRes Chairman William Carrington looks back at how last year compared to previous downturns, and forward to Prime London's prospects in the year ahead...
What can the government do to set the property market up for a strong 2020?
Along with resolving the remaining uncertainty around Brexit, a few small tweaks to the tax regime and regulatory environment would significantly improve the state of the market, argues Forsters' Helen…
On technology and the rise of people-centred property
Technology has been revolutionising the way that we live and work for decades, yet in relative terms there has been little impact on the traditional world of real estate.
EU Later: Five thoughts on Brexit Day
Prime resi insiders muse on the significance of 31.01.20, and its potential impact on prospects for the UK property market...
Bargain hunters are queueing up for deals, snaffling around for the last crumbs of the previous bear market
Enquiries have picked up noticeably following the unexpected landslide electoral victory, writes Trevor Abrahmsohn, but sellers will still need to keep their expectations in check...
No Pain No Gain? On biodiversity and the luxury residential sector
New biodiversity net gain laws have the potential to add significant additional costs to the development of schemes in the UK's rural and costal locations, writes Nicholas Burt...
How behavioural science and house-selling could help us reach zero emissions
Behavioural scientist David Comerford explains how simple changes to energy performance certificates - combined with the right timing - could help residents take practical steps to cut their home's emissions...
Twelve reasons why Prime London is ready to rebound
Fund manager-turned-PCL buying agent Fraser Slater explains why 2020 will be a pivotal year for the Prime London property market, with the scene now set for significant increases in both prices and volumes...
Simon Edwardson of Northacre on resonating with super-rich buyers
The sales boss of London-based luxury developer Northacre explains how the firm goes about creating landmark schemes that hold appeal on the world stage, and why he isn't worried about the prospect of…
On the implications of the Law Commission’s leasehold reform proposals
This month, the Law Commission published its long-awaited proposals for leasehold reform, making a number of recommendations which could have major ramifications for the London property market.
Why people buy what they didn’t realise they wanted
Searching for a country property is all about testing boundaries, says buying agent Sally Fraser...