Format: News
Buy-to-let mortgages tumble as landlords reel from government ‘onslaught’
UK Finance reports new mortgages to BTL landlords falling to just 5,000 in March, down 9.1 % on the same period last year
Echlin plans significant expansion following big-name hire & Middle Eastern investment
London-based boutique luxury property developer and design studio Echlin has recruited the former CEO of Colliers and secured new backing as it plans to 'invest significant funds into the London property…
Property price growth in prime global cities sinks to its lowest level since 2009
Knight Frank declares 'The Great Moderation' for global prime property inflation, as price growth sinks to a near-decade low
New finance platform aims to deploy ‘in excess of £125m’ to SME resi developers in the next 12 months
Hilltop Credit Partners is being backed by Round Hill Capital, and has secured finance from Oaknorth Bank
Thumbs-up for 32-unit hotel-to-resi scheme in Bayswater
Planners green-light a resi conversion of the Holiday Villa Hotel on Leinster Square after market shifts prompt a rethink on the affordable housing provision
Unmod Ennismore Gardens apartment ‘could be one of Knightsbridge’s finest’
First floor 'trophy flat' has the volume and position, but lacks the super-prime finish
‘It is clear that the UK’s current approach to Japanese knotweed is more cautious than it needs to be’ – Government Select Committee
A Government panel has declared that the property industry is 'overly cautious' about the notorious weed
Resi Awards: The Winners
Over 1,000 property types donned gladrags and gathered at the Grosvenor House Hotel last night for Property Week magazine's Resi Awards bash.
After its longest property market downturn, Prime London ‘is beginning to find its level’
Property prices in Prime Central London have fallen for the last 19 quarters, but the Savills research team is now spying a return to positive growth -although we're still five years away from a 'normal'…
Mapped: Searching for value in Prime London
Savills: 'As the prime London market shows signs of stabilising, new areas of value are emerging while traditional enclaves retain their premiums'
Montrose Place lateral looks for £14.95m
Second-floor unit in Native Land & Grosvenor's prestigious 2007 scheme near Belgrave Square has a 70-foot reception space
Dubai penthouse goes for £15.4m
A triplex penthouse in Omniyat's One Palm has become Dubai's second-most expensive apartment; the most expensive sold in the same building in 2017