Format: News
Zoopla calls the bottom of the London property market; southern regions to see further falls
The capital's three-year 'repricing process' is coming to an end, says Zoopla's top analyst Richard Donnell - but London's slowdown has now rippled out to higher-value markets across Southern England…
‘Thousands’ of UK landlords & developers could seek SDLT rebates in wake of landmark case
The ruling handed down in P N Bewley Ltd and HMRC 'could have major implications for the UK housing market'
South coast estate agencies merge
Worthing agency Robert Luff & Co has brought veteran local firm Sawyers into its fold
Crittall picks up £750k Trellick Tower contract
Erno Goldfinger's Brutalist landmark in west London needs 860 new windows
Kier to sell housebuilding arm in ‘fundamental restructure’
Construction giant confirms that it 'has received a number of inbound expressions of interest' in its housebuilding division Kier Living
America’s super-rich splurge on London property, spending an average of £7.3m
Wealthy US buyers have returned to London in a big way this year, reports Knight Frank
Buyers snap up 70% of Islington Square units
Galliard & Cain International update on sales progress as £400m mixed-use scheme approaches completion
Tech professionals drive demand surge in rebooted King’s Cross
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Kay & Co reports rocketing sales and lettings figures in the former industrial wasteland, as world famous corporations continue to pile in...
Prices and transactions on the rise as northern regions power on
LSL & Acadata sense some pent-up demand is breaking through...
Asking prices rise to ‘within a whisker of a new record’, but sales still struggle
New seller supply 'remains constrained nationally', says Rightmove as we approach the year's halfway point - particularly in southern regions
Chalegrove’s Landmark Pinnacle tops out
75-storey, 752-unit tower in Canary Wharf will round-off the developer's trilogy of 'Landmark' schemes
More than one in ten British adults own multiple properties, claims report
11.2% of the population owns more than one property, says the Resolution Foundation.