Format: News
Landlords back merger plans
The National Landlords Association and the Residential Landlords Association will unite to form the National Residential Landlords Association on 1st January 2020
Double-size St John’s Wood development plot relisted at £25m
Rare double corner plot on 'north London's premier address' has lain derelict for over 15 years
‘These houses cost an arm, leg & lung’: Air pollution tool encourages London house-hunters to cut property prices
Londoners are being urged to use air pollution data to drive down house prices and rents; "this is going to be industry standard", says the NAEA's chief
UK housing market ‘performing quite well’, despite static prices and depressed sales volumes
Mortgage approvals have risen slightly, new buyer enquiries have edged up, and first time buyers are active, note LSL & Acadata, but prices are still falling in real terms across England & Wales...
Housing Minister Esther McVey’s first speech, in full
"You don’t come into politics as a woman to do ‘housework’," said the ninth Housing Minister in nine years, in an oddly-judged riff during her maiden public address, "but when the Prime Minister…
In Pictures: Five designs shortlisted for Twickenham Riverside revamp
A total of 54 architecture practices entered the competition to come up with a suitable redevelopment proposal for the SW London site
Malins Group shrugs off uncertainty as acquisition spree continues
The boutique developer has lined up six projects with a combined GDV of £50m in the last five months
Knight Frank agent joins country house specialist BCM
Tom Woods has joined BCM Rural Property Specialists as Head of Residential Lettings and Sales
TfL sells iconic St James’s HQ for ‘over £120m’
The Charles Holden-designed 55 Broadway lays claim to being London’s first skyscraper, and has consent for a resi-led scheme designed by Tatehindle
Cornish trio launch new independent estate agency
Former Savills Directors Ben Davies and Tim May have teamed up with Kernow's Andrew Berry to launch The Shore Partnership in Truro
Autumn sales market bounce ‘could be missed altogether’ as buyers continue to hesitate
Asking prices fail to rise in September for the first time in eight years, reports Rightmove
Kensington & Chelsea adopts new planning regime
Key policy changes include a lower threshold for triggering the requirement for affordable housing, and a new stance on amalgamations in the royal borough...