Format: News
Rents tumble in London as landlords fear Covid-19 ‘second wave’
Landlords have been cutting asking prices to avoid being left with an empty property on their hands if lockdown restrictions are tightened again, reports Chestertons
Clivedale’s Hardy moves on to lead sales at Brockton’s 60 Curzon
Alex Hardy has been brought in as sales director on the boutique super-prime scheme in Mayfair, after working across Clivedale’s portfolio of top-end PCL projects.
Treasury floats SDLT holiday as part of Coronavirus recovery measures
Rumours are circulating of a Stamp Duty holiday up to £500k.
Allsop reports renewed confidence ahead of ‘bumper’ resi sale
Auctioneer releases highest volume catalogue since lockdown began, with 250 lots - and 13 guided above £1m
Buy, Hold & Sell: How expensive are London’s property taxes on the world stage?
New research reveals the associated costs of buying, holding and then selling a property around the globe...
In Pictures: Coronado unveils One Molyneux penthouse
Brand new three-bed unit with 1,000 square foot roof terrace pitched as Marylebone's 'ultimate lockdown pad'
£5m+ country houses out-performed the rest of the market in Q2, as prime buyers start moving
“People are sensing an opportunity now" in the prime country house market, says Knight Frank's Edward Rook.
Propertymark to restructure as NAEA boss steps down
Mark Hayward, boss of the NAEA, is to retire after seven years in charge. His departure is prompting a restructure of the parent Propertymark organisation.
Tax advisor fined over Stamp Duty avoidance advice
Cornerstone's David Hannah has been ordered to pay a total of £60,000 for "failing to properly assess and communicate" the risks of a Stamp Duty avoidance scheme in 2007.
Is this the end of the line for the ‘master’ suite?
Black Lives Matter movement prompts firms to move away from the terms ‘master bedroom’ and ‘master bathroom’ in favour of ‘main’ or ‘principal’
Grade I listed Westminster mansion with ‘museum-quality’ ceilings debuts at £14.85m
The birthplace of former British PM Lord Palmerston is one of the most historic townhouses currrently available, says Savills - and the Angelica Kauffman ceilings have to be seen to be believed...
Soho House eyes move into the rental market
High-end group’s five-year strategy includes offering long-term accommodation to its members, according to boss Nick Jones