Format: News

Ivor Dickinson joins Northern property investment firm with Southern ambitions

88% of development finance brokers are reporting that developers have approached them in the last 12 months because they had been refused funding from the lender with which they would usually work, says…

Land referencing firm TerraQuest has been appointed as the preferred bidder to take over the running of the Planning Portal, with plans to "take the Portal to the next level".

Hong Kong is the world's least affordable place to buy a home - with median house prices coming in at 17 times the median income - while the UK's overall multiple is a - relatively - benign 4.7.

The construction of a new nine bedroom mansion has caused a right old fuss in sleepy Ramsbury, with two tycoons seemingly at war over scuppered pheasant shoots and plots to pop off some "monotonous" poplars.

There's been a big twist in the ongoing plot to redevelop Kensington High Street's Odeon cinema.

Last week's surprise removal of the EURCHF floor and another cut in the deposit rate has already driven a surge of enquiries from Switzerland's wealthocracy looking to shift assets to Blighty, say property…

CPC Group's proposed 24 unit scheme on Holland Park has been turned down by the Royal Borough's planners on architectural grounds due, in part at least, to the council's mega-basement ban policy.

The government is asking around for ideas on what to put in this year's Budget.

Zoopla Property Group is matching Rightmove's offering, rolling out a Real-Time Listings Service that will update property listing "within minutes as they are updated on the agent or developer’s system…

After carrying out two major consultations, the government has laid out its package of measures for owner occupiers along the HS2 Phase One route between London and the West Midlands.

London-based Chartered Surveyors Murray Birrell has appointed an historic buildings guru as Associate Director to bump the firm's listed building expertise.