Format: News

LendInvest's first course was eight times oversubscribed

40s are the new 50s, says Hamptons International

New World Wealth rundown puts London up top with US$2.7 trillion

OBR report into the effects of forestalling claims the recent 3% SDLT surcharge resulted in 60,000 transactions being brought forward, with a resultant tax loss to the Treasury of £300m

Dr Sean Tompkins promises to 'question speaking on panels that are not diverse or representative'

Delaying proposed changes to the UK's non-domicile taxation regime would be 'brave but sensible' says Blick Rothenberg

'As we said in 2009, it will be the early bird which catches the very fat worm'

£3.6m apartment is on the 10th and 11th floors of Berkeley's flagship project

Agency reports comparable sales figures to last year

The Ragged School site near Farringdon is on the market for something around the £20m mark

Lumiere Developments claims "virtually passivhaus" development will save residents up to £11,000 a year in living expenses

Three new leads in the North, East and South East of England