Format: News

Bumper year for SPF team continues with £72m loan to Teddy Sagi's LabTech Group

Skanska lands contract to build major mixed-use K1 project on the corner of Brompton Road and Sloane Street

Council saves pair of family houses in danger of collapse by pumping in tonnes of concrete...

Agreed sales so far in 2018 are down 5.4% on the same period last year, says the nation's biggest portal, with the biggest falls seen in the South East, the East of England, and Greater London...

Report accuses Britain of still 'turning a blind eye' to 'dirty money' from Putin's network

Established specialist tech outfit Resource Techniques has been bought

Recently-launched bridging lender Tuscan Capital names former Candy & Candy CFO as its Chief Financial Officer

Plan to replace SDLT with CGT on all homes was due to be the centrepiece of PM May's big policy declaration last year, according to new revelations, even making it to the "last but one working draft"...

24 residences at the hyper-luxe Mayfair scheme have now either exchanged or completed, bringing in a total of £344m for the developer;

Historic £6.95m semi on Langford Place was originally built as part of Wesleyan Chapel, and used to be owned by one of the most successful and popular painters in Britain...

Mayor of London looks to over-rule planning permission for 13 new luxury residences on Knightsbridge, citing a lack of affordable housing

60% of units in Adam Thorpe's £70m spa-to-resi development in the Yorkshire town have already been reserved