Format: Feature

A weekly stock check, powered by LonRes

Property data and networking resource LonRes is celebrating its 20th birthday this year.

Hong Kong, New York, Tokyo, Geneva and London are the most expensive prime global cities, says Savills;

Around 5,000 new homes have been built in VNEB (Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea) over the last five years, and another 7,000 are due to be delivered in the next five...

A weekly stock check, powered by LonRes

Buyers have already picked up half of the residences at CIT's long-awaited super-prime scheme on Ken Church Street

8,000 square foot affair on South Street was once the home of Dame Barbara Cartland, the most successful romance novelist of all time.

A weekly stock check, powered by LonRes

Aiming to 'set a new benchmark for the London super-prime market' the developer's second resi scheme marks Dorchester Collection’s first foray into branded residences

A weekly stock check, powered by LonRes

Arabella Youens asks some top marketeers to share their tips on attracting the attentions of the easily-distracted...

December's crop of super-prime transactions included a marquee apartment at One Hyde Park and two of Notting Hill's finest...