Format: Feature
Splashing the Cashes: A peacock of a summer night’s dream
In which William Cash throws an Elizabethan bash at Upton Cressett to celebrate his wife's birthday, his father's knighthood, and a local planning triumph.
Paradise Saved? Heritage triumphs in the Battle for Shropshire
After three years of hard feuding, plans for an 80-metre wind turbine in Shropshire's heritage heartland have been withdrawn.
Cut The Red Tape: Why London’s developers are stuck between a rock and a hard place
The capital's residential developers are finding themselves in an impossible situation;
Capital Loss: Why a mansion tax could spell disaster for the entire London property market
Despite this week's proposed rejig by Labour, the introduction of a so-called mansion tax would have a disastrous effect on the London property market as a whole, not just above £2million, argues…
Take A Running Jump: Why we don’t need Brussels’ property market ‘advice’
The European Commission is attempting to interfere and meddle from across the North Sea, in a highly sophisticated and particularly specialised local market, the dynamics of which it simply does not understand.
Romancing the Stone: The houses built by love
Many a man has been driven to great lengths by love, and architecture is often a rewarding (though insatiable) mistress for such a passion, says Matthew Beckett...
London Vs New York City Vs Hong Kong: The costs of buying a prime property
Buying Agency Middleton Advisors has worked out that the cost of buying a £1.5m ish property in London has risen by 1% over the last five years, from 4.8% of the purchase price in 2009 to 5.8% in 2014.
INTERVIEW: Stiff + Trevillion’s Mike Stiff, the quiet man of great architecture
Stiff + Trevillion has quietly established itself as one of the UK’s most successful architecture practices.
Required Reading: Understanding Rights to Light
Last year, the Law Commission launched a consultation on the future of rights to light, seeking to introduce greater certainty into this particularly shady area of law.
Identity Parade: How to build a powerful property brand
The recent rebranding of Cluttons showed how to take one of the industry's most established, conventional identities, and turn it into something modern, fresh and instantly recognisable.
Moving Up: A practical guide to profitable loft conversions
Before iceberg houses with humongous basements became cool, converting the loft was the go-to way for developers and homeowners to add a bit of space to a property.
Short Shift: How bridging hit the big time
Remember the £127.5m mega-loan announced after the purchase of 1 Palace Street, near Buckingham Palace?