Format: Feature

Five weeks on from the Big Vote, top London buying agency Black Brick reports that its clients are falling broadly into two categories...

Today's interest rate cut by the Bank of England isn't the big economic solution we need, argues the University of Cambridge's Michael Kitson...

Originally built over 2,000 years ago, Britain's first towns have clearly still got it

Whichever way you look at London’s housing market, one thing is certain: we are facing an explosion in the central London rental sector that will come as a windfall for landlords, says Tim Hassell...

More Londoners are moving out of the capital than ever before, with ONS stats analysed by ResiAnalytics for Humberts revealing that over 280,000 people left London in 2015; that's a 3% increase on the …

Kevin Andrews has been tracking a worrying trend

Indiabulls subsidiary has built up a remarkable pipeline of super-prime projects in the capital

London is likely to be hit with some corporate relocations and demand drops, says UBS, but there are several silver linings to focus on

Briefed with the daunting task of delivering 'something that Tony Stark would be proud of', home automation firm Crestron and custom integration specialists Ultamation came up with an extraordinary creation…

Dollar and euro buyers are swooping on bargain (relatively speaking) London properties, writes PrimeResi's Matt Crofton, as sterling's value nosedives in the aftermath of Britain's vote to leave the European…

This, if the Remain campaign bunf was actually accurate, is the end of days

Nobody really know what the fallout of a Brexit would be, but it's pretty clear that a vote to leave the EU would create a markedly different economic landscape in prime central London compared to a Remain…